The Corn Hybrids Amurg and Miraj, Released By the NARDI Fundulea

 Daniela Horhocea, Teodor Martura, Horia Lucian Iordan, Caterina Băduț, Ion Ciocăzanu

National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea

Keywords: corn, new hybrids, semi-early, grain yield.

Abstract: This paper presents the genetic progress obtained at INCDA Fundulea by creating two maize hybrids, semiearly, Amurg and Miraj, to meet the requirements of farmers in the current climate change.

Amurg and Miraj, maize hybrids have been registered by the State Institute for Variety Testing and Registration in 2022. A new hybrids Amurg and Miraj are a corn single cross, released by the National Agriculture Research and Development Institute Fundulea, Romania. They are a semi-early hybrids, the FAO 360-390 group, convariety dentiformis. Amurg hybrid has a high grain yielding potential of 11.5-12.0 t/ha in non-irrigated conditions and 13.0-14.0 t/ha in irrigated conditions. The plant has an average of 295 cm height, with ear insertion at 120 cm. The ear has the average length of 21 cm, is conico-cylindrical with 16 rows of grains. The kernel is dent, yellow, with thousand kernels weight (TKW) of 300-310 g.

Miraj hybrid has a high grain yielding potential of 11.5-12.0 t/ha in non-irrigated conditions and 13.5-14.5 t/ha in irrigated conditions. The plant has an average of 270 cm height, with ear insertion at 100-115 cm. The ear has the average length of 20 cm, is conico-cylindrical with 16 rows of grains. The kernel is dent, yellow, with thousand kernels weight (TKW) of 300-320 g.

Amurg and Miraj hybrids, are tolerant to drought and heat, tolerant to fusarium ear rot (Fusarium spp.) and to Ostrinia nubilalis attack.

Amurg and Miraj hybrids have efficient seed production; they are recommended in all suitable zones for corn hybrids from Romania, under both irrigated and non-irrigated conditions.

Grain uses: human food and animal feeding.