Friday, 10 June 2022

800-900 – Participants arrival

900-1000 – Opening remarks

 Plenary speakers:

  • Ioan Dumitrache – General Secretary, Romanian Academy
  • univ. dr. Valeriu Tabără – President of AAFS
  • Ion Găman – State Secretary, MARD
  • Dr. James MacAskill – Director of Academic Strategy and Operations BC Institute of Technology, London, UK
  • univ. dr. Diego Begalli – Prorector Verona University – Italy
  • dr. Luminița Chivu – General Director, NERI
  • univ. dr. Gabriel Popescu – Director, CSRAFB
  • Elena Petcu – Scientific Director, NARDI Fundulea

Aula of Romanian Academy, The Library of Romanian Academy

 Moderators: Prof. univ. dr. Gabriel Popescu, Dr. Elena Petcu

1000-1020 NARDI Fundulea's contribution to increasing genetic diversity of cereals crops in Romania

Authors: Cristina-Mihaela Marinciu, Pompiliu Mustăţea, Gabriela Șerban, Vasile Mandea, Indira Galit, Matilda Ciucă, Elena Petcu, Nicolae N. Săulescu

 1020-1040 Leaf epicuticular wax as a goal if the wheat breeding to improve resistance to biotic and abiotic stress

Authors: Matilda Ciucă, Daniel Cristina, Alina-Gabriela Turcu, Elena-Laura Conțescu, Alexandru-Leonard Dumitru, Cristina-Mihaela Marinciu, Gabriela Șerban, Vasile Mandea, Elena-Florența Helepciuc, Elena Monica, Ana-Maria Moroșanu, Alexandru Brânzan, Gabriel Maria

1040-1100Evaluation of productive and qualitative performances of new spring wheat genotypes in different pedoclimatic conditions

Authors: Rozalia Kadar, Ionuṭ Racz, Diana Hirişcău, Adina Varadi, Florentina Isticioaie, Cecilia Bănăṭeanu, Cornelia Tican, Gabriela Gorinoiu

1100-1120 New sunflower hybrids, having good yield performances and high quality, in order to be competitive in the seed market, created at NARDI Fundulea

Authors: Maria Joița-Păcureanu, Danil Stanciu, Maria Stanciu, Florin-Gabriel Anton

1120-1140 Identification of valuable germplasm sources for the creation of soybean varieties with high yield quality

Authors: Camelia Urdă, Raluca Rezi, Adrian Negrea, Luana Păcurar, Ramona Dina Galben

1140-1200 Utilization of CERES maize (DSSAT) model for estimation of the impact of climate changes on corn yield in south-eastern Romania

Authors: Cătălin Lazăr, Mihaela Caian, Zenaida Chițu, Antoanela Dobre, Daniela Horhocea, George Cizmaș




1330-1350 Effect of the conservative agriculture system on some physical properties of the soil

Authors: George Cizmaș, Elena Partal, Mihaela Șerban, Gheorghe Măturaru

 1350-1410 Researches concerning the evolution of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) in autumn oilseed rape crop, in south-east of Romania

Authors: Emil Georgescu, Lidia Cană, Luxița Rȋşnoveanu, Roxana Zaharia, Georgeta Trașcă

 1410-1430 Biodiversity in organic agriculture - the first strategy of the European Green Deal

Author: Ion Toncea



Ground Floor, The Library of Romanian Academy

 Moderators: Dr. Elena Petcu, Dr. Laurențiu Ciornei


 1. DNA markers assisted selection for accumulation/pyramiding of disease resistance genes in wheat lines

Authors: Daniel Cristina, Alina-Gabriela Turcu, Cristina-Mihaela Marinciu, Gabriela Șerban, Indira Galit, Elena-Laura Conțescu, Vasile Mandea, Alexandru-Leonard Dumitru, Matilda Ciucă

2. New varieties of alfalfa created at NARDI Fundulea

Authors: Maria Schitea, Elena Petcu, Lenuţa Drăgan, Mihaela Popa, Mihaela Ciora

3. Creation of maize hybrids for early sowing, with superior adaptability to adverse climatic conditions, with high agronomic performances

Authors: Horia Lucian Iordan, Daniela Horhocea, Teodor Martura, Ion Ciocăzanu, Caterina Băduț

 4. The corn hybrids Amurg and Miraj, released by the NARDI Fundulea

Authors: Daniela Horhocea, Teodor Martura, Horia Lucian Iordan, Caterina Băduț, Ion Ciocăzanu

5. Creation of productive hybrids of maize, dry tolerance, heat tolerance, diseases and pests in view of reducing the impact of global warming on Romania's agroecosystems

Authors: Daniela Horhocea, Ion Ciocăzanu, Teodor Martura, Horia Lucian Iordan, Caterina Băduț, Elena Petcu, Cătălin Lazăr, Lidia Cană, Emil Georgescu, Crucița Sîrca, Georgiana Negruț, Claudia Dunăreanu, Mihai Tilihoi, Emanuela Lungu

6. New results in improving resistance to fusarium head blight

Authors: Indira Galit, Cristina-Mihaela Marinciu, Gabriela Şerban, Vasile Mandea, Nicolae N. Săulescu, Mariana Ittu

7. Diversification of flax germoplasm by obtaining productive varieties with yellow seed

Author: Niculina Ionescu

 8. Research on the grape ripening process in the Odobești vineyard area

Authors: Ionica Bosoi, Marioara Pușcalău, Liliana Rotaru

 9. Diversification of sunflower germoplasm by using interspecific hybridization with wild species of the genus Heliantus

Authors: Florin-Gabriel Anton, Maria Joița-Păcureanu, Diana Văduva, Luxița Rȋşnoveanu

 10. Increase productivity, by the creation of biodiversity, on agricultural crops, corn and sunflower

Authors: Gabriel Popescu, Maria Joița-Păcureanu, Daniela Horhocea, Laurențiu Ciornei, Petruța-Simona Simion, Victor Petcu, Florin-Gabriel Anton

11. Genetic progress in winter barley for yield and adaptability to unfavorable environmental conditions

Authors: Eugen Petcu, Liliana Vasilescu

12. Variation of some winter barley quality indices under induced drought

Authors: Liliana Vasilescu, Eugen Petcu, Elena Petcu, Lidia Cană, Cătălin Lazăr, Alexandrina Sîrbu

13. Impact of abiotic factors on the developmental stages of maize crop

Authors: Alina Șimon, Adrian Ceclan, Florin Russu, Marius Bărdaș, Felicia Chețan, Alin Popa

14. Using molecular markers to determine the genetic diversity of wild sunflower species

Authors: Elena-Laura Conțescu, Florin-Gabriel Anton, Matilda Ciucă, Daniel Cristina, Alina-Gabriela Turcu, Violeta Ionescu

 15. The stability of new corn hybrids created at ARDS Turda, at the stress of different sowing densities

Authors: Carmen Vana, Andrei Varga, Voichița Haș, Roxana Călugăr

16. Mid-early new generation hybrid Turda 380 adapted to climate change in the center of the country

Authors: Andrei Varga, Voichița Haș, Nicolae Tritean, Carmen Vana, Roxana Călugăr, Felicia Mureșanu, Laura Șopterean

17. Exogenous salicylic acid utilization as a stress-signal compound and its impact on germination and morphogenetic reaction of cabbage plants cultivated “In vitro”

Authors: Tina Oana Cristea, Gabriel-Alin Iosob

18. Advances achieved in winter peas (Pisum sativum L.) breeding at NARDI Fundulea

Author: Ancuța Bărbieru

19. Germlines, diversity, and climate change

Author: James MacAskill1


1. The effect of crop management practices on the disease caused by Septoria tritici on wheat crops

Authors: Lidia Cană, Emil Georgescu, Gheorghe Măturaru

2. Research regarding the selectivity and the efficacy of herbicide treatments applied for weed control in barley crop under pedoclimatic conditions from NARDI Fundulea

Authors: Mihaela Șerban, Gheorghe Măturaru, Cătălin Lazăr

3. Role of foliar treatment with salicylic acid on tomato plants affected by water stress

Authors: Gabriel-Alin Iosob, Tina Oana Cristea

4. PGR treated winter wheat genotypes behavior to different rates of nitrogen application

Authors: Adina Varadi, Diana Hirişcău, Rozalia Kadar, Ionuţ Racz

5. The influence of sowing date and row spacing on grain yield of wheat

Authors: Diana Hirişcău, Rozalia Kadar, Adina Varadi, Ionuţ Racz

6. The influence of the tillage systems and foliar fertilizations on physiological parameters and production at wheat, in the Transylvanian Plateau

Authors: Marius Bărdaş, Alina Simon, Florin Russu, Felicia Chețan, Ovidiu Adrian Ceclan, Alin Popa

7. Influence of different tillage systems on abundance and dynamics of pests in maize crop

Authors: Adina Tărău, Felicia Mureșeanu, Ana Maria Vălean, Florin Russu, Laura Şopterean, Felicia Cheţan, Loredana Suciu, Camelia Urdă

 8. The influence of the tillage system on water conservation and yield at maize on ARDS Turda

Author: Felicia Cheţan

9. Evaluation of the useful arthropods diversity incereal agroecosystems from Transylvania center

Authors: Ana Maria Vălean, Dana Malschi, Adina Tărău, Laura Şopterean, Florin Russu, Loredana Suciu

 10. The influence of soil tillage on maize yields and some agrochemical characteristics of the soil

Authors: Elena Partal, Nicoleta Mărin, Mihaela Șerban

11. Yield dynamics and harvest increases under the influence of mineral fertilization on maize crop

Authors: Ovidiu Adrian Ceclan, Alina Şimon, Florin Russu, Nicolae Tritean, Felicia Cheţan, Marius Bărdaş, Alin Popa

 12. Studies on biodiversity conservation of cowpea plant resources in sandy soil conditions in southern Oltenia

Authors: Reta Drăghici, Alina Nicoleta Paraschiv, Milica Dima

13. Agrotechnical measures to reduce the influence of drought on sunflower yield

Authors: Violeta Simionescu, Monica Tanc, Ion Bulică

 14. Testing some winter wheat varieties and lines of for seed production, cultivated in an ecologycal system at ARDS Valu lui Traian

Authors: Violeta Simionescu, Monica Tanc, Ion Bulică