New Sunflower Hybrids, Having Good Yield Performances and High Quality, in Order To Be Competitive in the Seed Market, Created at NARDI Fundulea

Maria Joiţa-Păcureanu, Danil Stanciu, Maria Stanciu, Florin-Gabriel Anton

National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea

Keywords: biodiversity, sunflower, hybrids, good yield, high quality.

Abstract: Crops biodiversity it means variety and variability of cultivated plants, including other organisms involved in agricultural production. Genetic resources diversity of cultivated species has a great importance in growing biodiversity inside of one specie. By breeding for a cultivated specie it is improved genetic biodiversity. Climate changes have a negative impact on biodiversity - necessary to decrease the decline and build a healthy and sustainable food system.
On the list of the most important oil crops, over the world, sunflowers hold a high position at number four.
Improved genetic progress in sunflower is the production priority to enhance competitiveness with other crops and stability of yield and quality.
Numerous institutes and private companies developed intensive programs for developing sunflower commercial hybrids.
In the last few years, sunflower seed market segmentation has a great impact on breeding goals. This refers to the increase in demand for sunflower varieties with high oil yield, as well as the introduction of herbicide - tolerant hybrids.
At NARDI Fundulea there have been created in the last years, sunflower hybrids resistant/tolerant to herbicides (imazamox or tribenuron metil), well resistant to the main pathogens which attack this crop and resistant to the parasite broomrape Orobanche cumana (the new virulent races).
Taking into consideration the climate change, the new hybrids have a good resistance to drought, also to low temperatures in germination and emergence time. Ten hybrids having such characteristics are already registered in the official list of varieties (SIVTR). There are also, new hybrids in comparative trilas which have a very good oil quality, some of them having a high protein content.