The Influence of the Tillage Systems and Foliar Fertilizations on Physiological Parameters and Production at Wheat, in the Transylvanian Plateau

 Marius Bărdaş, Alina Simon, Florin Russu, Felicia Chețan, Ovidiu Adrian Ceclan, Alin Popa

Staţiunea de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Agricolă Turda

Keywords: wheat, photosynthesis, foliar fertilizer, tillage system, production.

Abstract: The research was conducted during the vegetation period, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 using the winter wheat variety, Andrada created at ARDS Turda, treated with 2 types of foliar fertilizers, Folimax Gold and Microfert U which were applied in two tillage systems, plowing and non-plowing.

The number of treatments and the application phenophases were different resulting in 6 graduations and a control variant in which the mineral fertilization was not completed by foliar fertilization.

Measurements of physiological parameters and chlorophyll concentration were performed on the standard leaf, in the phenophase of wheat grain filling (BBCH 71-73), after 5 days of the last treatment with foliar fertilization, non-destructive research method the leaves were not detached from the plant and was based on the use of the foliar gas analyzer CIRAS-3 and the apparatus for determining the concentration of chlorophyll Apogee MC-100, without damaging the plant material. In the conditions of the Transylvanian Plain, the technology used showed that physiological parameters and yield were higher, registering higher values in the conventional system (plowing), net assimilation recorded average values 26-29.5 μmolm-2s-1 and an increase of production, of over 850 kg/ha, the values being statistically ensured, significantly positive, as compared to the conservative no-tillage system.

The main purpose of this paper is to emphasize the influence of foliar fertilization, in two systems, conventional agriculture “tillage” and conservative “no tillage” and identification of the most favorable application phases. The assessment of the physiological parameters according to the foliar fertilization and the tillage systems allow to make pertinent decisions that can positively influence the wheat production.