Agrotechnical Measures to Reduce the Influence of Drought on Sunflower Yield

Violeta Maria Simionescu1, Monica Tanc2, Ion Bulică2

1Universitatea Ovidius din Constanţa

2Stațiunea de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Agricolă Valu lui Traian

Keywords: plow, disc chisel, unworked, sunflower, yield.

Abstract: The sunflower is a less pretentious plant than the preceding plant, if the soil is well supplied with water and nutrients and the crop rotation and rotation are respected.

The components of the technological system of plant cultivation that have been studied on the vermic chernozem from ARDS Valu lui Traian refer to: the basic work or the main way of loosening and mobilizing the soil. Irrigated (sprinkler) and non-irrigated variants were studied.
The experimental variants were the following:

  • conventional work at a depth of 28-30 cm, plowing with the return of the furrow;
  • reduced work performed by discussion at 18-20 cm;
  • conservative work performed with a chisel plow at 28-30 cm, without turning the furrow.

The experiments were of the Latin square type, with four variants and four repetitions. Given the results obtained on sunflower cultivation, the technology of loosening the soil with a chisel can be accepted as a method of conservative work. Sunflower harvest was also decisively influenced by climatic factors, especially by low rainfall in the first part of the growing season. The harvest obtained through the technology of conservative loosening of the soil by chisel, in irrigated and non-irrigated soil, was equal to that of the conventional technology.
Conservative tillage, by chisel loosening without turning the furrow and keeping an appropriate amount of plant debris on the surface, can be considered a viable alternative to conventional tillage technology.